Jodi believes it’s never too late to teach an old dog (and its owner) new tricks, and it is never too early to start with your puppy. Our tailor-made services are designed with you and your dog in mind to ensure results. Our goal is to teach each owner how to train and manage their dog, and to provide long-lasting impact through expert training. We believe in working with you as much as with your dog.
Jodi has many years of experience in supporting owners to make the needed changes in their dog’s lives. She has been training pet dogs for 7 years now, and still loves every second of it! Her biggest goal is teaching owners how to speak their dog's language to better the lives of both owner and dog.
Jodi is an AKC CGC Evaluator, Trick Dog judge, AKC Farm Dog judge, AKC Temperament Test Evaluator, Updog frisbee judge, and North America Canicross Ambassador.
She has been in the dog sport world for over 17 years. She started at 9 years old in AKC Agility with her Doberman, Dobie, and from there she never looked back. She has competed multiple times at national events for several different canine sports and has qualified for many more! She has traveled across the country with her dogs for many years competing and exploring.
She is highly titled with multiple dogs in:
AKC & NADAC Agility
Competed at 2018 AKC Agility Nationals in Reno, NV
Master Agility Champion (MACH)
Novice, Open, Excellence and Masters JWW
Novice, Open, Excellence and Masters STD
Master Jumper Silver (MJS)
Master Silver Agility (MXS)
Premier Jumpers Dog (PJD)
Master Excellence FAST (MXF)
North America Diving Dogs (NADD) & International Dog Sports
Competed at 2018 NADD Nationals in Orlando, FL
Qualified for 2023 IDS Championships
Qualified for 2024 IDS Championships
Dock Novice
Dock Junior
Dock Senior
Air Retrieve Junior
Air Retrieve Senior
Misc. AKC Titles
Canine Good Citizen (CGC)
Canine Good Citizen Urban (CGCU)
Canine Good Citizen Advanced (CGCA)
AKC Trick Dog Novice, Intermediate, Advanced, and Performers
Frisbee - UpDog Challenge
Disc Dog Bronze & Disc Dog Bronze Elite Title
Disc Dog Silver & Disc Dog Silver Elite Title
Disc Dog Gold & Disc Dog Gold Elite Title
Disc Dog Platinum Title
Top 2 Intermediate dogs for UpDog Bite Club 2021 Crown event
Qualified for UpDog International Finals 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023
Placed in Top 20 at UpDog International Finals 2022 in all games played with her dog Zidane
Placed in Top 100 at UpDog International Finals 2022 in all games played with her dog Nova
U.S Canine Biathlon Finisher
2018 Summer Race (45th Place)
2019 Summer Race (28th Place)
2019 Rewind Race (12th Place)
2021 Summer Race (15th Place)
2021 Rewind Race (7th Place)
2023 Summer Race
Behavior and Sport Seminars
Dock Diving seminar with Jason Rigler
Frisbee Freestyle seminar with Andrea Rigler
Play is the Way - Gameness, Responsibility, and Control (GRC) seminar with Jay Jack
CAL K9s high success and client satisfaction rates are our greatest source of pride.
Call us today to make your first appointment.